Stitches Technology | “Building a technologically advanced English speaking work force for the apparel and sewn products industry.”
Welcome to Stitches Technology Business and Career Centers, Inc.. Thank you for the opportunity to share our commitment to workforce development and permanent job placement in Southern California.
Designing for Success Academy
Designing for Success™ - Academy - A comprehensive 12 week program for skilled operators and a 26 week job preparation and Placement academy for individuals that have never sewn before. Both programs open the doors to careers and permanent jobs in the Fashion & Sewn Products Industry for ages 18 – 26.

The Stitches Workforce Advisory Services connects the skilled workers that have been laid off to permanent jobs in the Apparel & sewn products industry
Integriti is the social enterprise for Stitches Technology Business & Career Centers, Inc. It’s a vertical production environment where apparel as well as sewn products are produced for manufacturers as well as retailers and corporate accounts.
The Cloz Klozet is a high end resale store that combines Retail Training for youth and adults in the area of sales, customer service & visual merchandising. An exciting initiative in partnership with the City of Compton.

Stitches will give access to a wide range of opportunities for minority youth and adults from disadvantaged backgrounds with a focus on high school males, at risk youth, emancipated foster care teens. Stitches will be the open door for a population of underserved minority youth that would never be given access to this multi-billion dollar industry.
Stevland Morris AKA Stevie Wonder supports STITCHES Technology.

Johnny Rodriguez,
People & Culture Generalist
Clotee, we will be hiring more staff over the next few months and would like to partner with you to get a higher turnout.
Johnny Rodriguez, People & Culture Generalist
Lonnie Kane, President
We simply don’t have the trained workers we need to grow the fashion industry in LA as much as we’d like.
We need more investment in workforce programs to train sewers, cutters and pattern makers to help meet the growing demand of specialized workforce.
We are willing to partner with local workforce training institutions to develop curriculum and provide hands-on opportunities.”
Ilse Metchek, President
“Apparel sewing and cutting requires the mastery of equipment and hand-eye coordination, neither of which is taught in our public schools. Machine operating, maintenance and repair work cultivate work habits and foster individual responsibility. If Southern California is to cultivate the manufacturing sector of apparel, textiles, machine repair, food service, plastics, etc., we must have industrial training facilities for those who do not choose to, or cannot, go into higher education. We owe this to the reality of the new demographics of this region.”